August 27, 2022


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Quick way to grasp the key concepts of data privacy regulations and a quick look at the regimes in other jurisdictions



Online Registration & Payment


Date:27 August 2022
Time:9:00am – 1:00pm
Venue:Online Training (Zoom)
Instructor:Mr. Chris Cheng
Fee:PMI HK Member: HKD 1,000
Non-PMI HK Member: HKD 1,200
Remarks:As a prevention measure against the spread of COVID-19, The training will be delivered online with Zoom (Guideline). Please contact PMI HK admin at or 2784 1880


Data privacy has become a key consideration in all sorts of business transactions, given the rapid development of data privacy regulations and people’s awareness of data privacy rights. Project managers nowadays should be able to identify issues about compliance with the regulations and seek professional assistance accordingly. This introductory course will give you a glimpse of how the local legislation is structured and developed. You will be guided to understand the key concepts of the local legislation and the official guidelines. Some basic introduction of the regulatory frameworks in Europe and PRC will also be covered.

Instructor’s Profile – Mr. Chris Cheng

Chris Cheng was born and received education in Hong Kong. In 1997, he was admitted to the Bar in Hong Kong and started private practice. His practice covered a wide range of categories including commercial disputes, general civil matters, personal injuries and criminal cases. In 2004, he joined the legal team of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data during which he was a frequent advocate in the Administrative Appeals Board defending the Commissioner’s decisions. Chris also participated in the drafting of codes of practices. guidelines and other publications for the Commissioner’s Office. In 2008, Chris joined PCCW/HKT Group as legal adviser, and he is now the Chief Legal Counsel monitoring litigations and legal issues associated with employment. He is also the consultant for PCCW’s and HKT’s data privacy compliance work