Project Management Institute Hong Kong Chapter Limited – Annual General Meeting 2024

29 August 2024

Dear PMI HK Chapter Member,

I cordially invite you to join our Annual General Meeting 2024 with details as follows.
Please complete the form (Click Here) for registration or appoint a proxy to attend the AGM if you are not able to attend. The meeting link will be sent in the confirmation to all registered participants.

Date:30 September 2024, Monday
Time:19:00 – 21:00
PDU:1 (Business: 1)
Venue:1102, 11/F, Woon Lee Commercial Building, No 7-9 Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui
Format:In Person or Online
Registration or Appoint Proxy:Click Here
Remarks:1. For PMI HK Chapter Member only.
2. The “first come first serve” basis is for on-site attendance only.
3. For enquiries, please contact PMI HK admin at or 2784 1880.


  1. As Special Business, to consider and, if it thinks fit, pass the following as Special Resolutions to amend the Articles of Association – (refer to “Special Business” section after Agenda)
  2. To receive the PMI HK Chapter Ltd. 2023 – 2024 Report
  3. To receive the audited Financial Statements and the Reports of the Directors and Independent Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2023
  4. To re-appoint Eric Cheung & Co as Independent Auditor and authorise Directors to fix the Auditor’s remuneration for the year ending 31 December 2024

Special Business
As special business, to consider and, if it thinks fit, pass the following as Special Resolutions to amend the Articles of Association:
“That the Articles of Association of the Company be altered:
1) by inserting Article 25(2) of Part B Other Articles the words “In addition, all the PMI HK members meeting the nomination qualifications are eligible to run for and hold a PMI HK elected position.” immediately after the words “in the election.”;
2) by deleting Article 34(2) of Part B Other Articles the words “is voluntary and” immediately after the words “Membership in this organization”
3) by deleting Article 34(3) of Part B Other Articles the words “bylaws of the PMI HK” immediately after the words “PMI® Bylaws and the” and inserting in substitution the words “Articles of Association of PMI HK”;

4) by deleting Article 35(2) of Part B Other Articles in its entirety and inserting in substitution therefor the following new Article 35(2), namely: –
(2) Members who fail to pay the required dues when due shall be delinquent and their names removed from the official membership list of the PMI HK. A delinquent member may be reinstated by payment in full of all unpaid dues plus the applicable application fee for PMI® and the PMI HK to PMI®.
5) by deleting Article 53(4) in its entirety and inserting in substitution therefor the following new Article 53(4), namely: –
(4) PMI HK annual membership dues will be agreed upon between PMI® and the PMI HK’s Board of Directors and communicated in accordance with policies and procedures established by PMI®.

For your easy reference, the revised articles after applying the resolutions will be as follows:

Article 25 (2) of Part B Other Articles:
“(2) The President, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint members of the Nominating Committee which shall administer the nomination and election following the procedures detailed in the articles and Chapter Handbook. All the PMI HK members in good standing of the PMI HK shall have the right to vote in the election. In addition, all the PMI HK members meeting the nomination qualifications are eligible to run for and hold a PMI HK elected position.

Article 34 (2) of Part B Other Articles
“(3) Membership in this organization shall be open to any eligible person interested in furthering the purposes of the organization. Membership shall be open to all eligible persons without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, marital status, national origin, religion, or physical or mental disability”

Article 34(3) of Part B Other Articles
“(3) Members shall be governed by and abide by the PMI® Bylaws and by the Articles of Association of the PMI HK and all policies, procedures, rules and directives lawfully made thereunder, including but not limited to the PMI® Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct”

Article 35 (2) of Part B Other Articles
“(2) Members who fail to pay the required dues when due shall be delinquent and their names removed from the official membership list of the PMI HK. A delinquent member may be reinstated by payment in full of all unpaid dues plus the applicable application fee for PMI® and the PMI HK to PMI®.”

Article 53 (4) of PMI HK Finance
“(4) PMI HK annual membership dues will be agreed upon between PMI® and the PMI HK’s Board of Directors and communicated in accordance with policies and procedures established by PMI®.”

Rationale for the special resolutions to amend the Articles of Association
The PMI HK Chapter Limited Board has approved the special resolutions to its Articles of Association to align with the PMI’s new membership model. Under this model, Chapter membership will automatically be included with PMI membership for new and renewing PMI members in Hong Kong. The new membership model is planned to be introduced in the first half of 2025.

This new Membership model is designed to grow the Chapter memberships, which will enhance the value of your chapter membership with better services and increased benefits for our Chapter members.

A Special Seminar will be held after the AGM. More information on the speaker and topic will be provided to members who have registered for the AGM.

About Special Seminar

Seminar TopicEmpower your Projects : A 5 minute Psychology Tool for Project Managers – Discover the DISC Profile
About the Topic– Why should Project Managers learn psychology tool or DISC?
– What is the DISC profile?
– How can we energize the project team by applying DISC?
About Speaker: Mr. Strauss LAU

With over 10 years of experience in Talent Management and Development, Strauss Lau is a dedicated professional passionate about fostering personal growth and enhancing team dynamics, currently pursuing a Master of Science in Counseling. He has practical expertise as a Certified DISC Behavioral Consultant and experienced in driving DISC in MNCs. In addition to his work in talent development, Strauss is also a Low Event and Abseiling Adventure Coach, applying experiential learning to build resilience and teamwork.

Please complete the form (Click Here) for registration or appoint a proxy to attend the AGM. The meeting link will be sent in the confirmation to all registered participants.

Thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely,

Christine Yau
President, PMI Hong Kong Chapter Limited